Welcome to the Light from the Heart
Welcome to Diana Valkova's spiritual guidance page. Trust the synchronicities that brought you here; you've reached this site for a reason. The contents are fully inspired, guided, and channelled by higher-dimensional consciousness in December 2024. Beautiful synchronicities prompted the creation of this website days before the 12:12 portal on December 12. The contents were downloaded between 12:12:12:12 (the year itself forms two 12-s) and the solstice on 21:12:12:12.
We are all Consciousness, our true essence, and realizing our inherent connection to the divine is our shared mission. It's time to love ourselves, to value and empower our being, to find ourselves worthy, to have the courage to be authentic, and to shine our true light. We are the masters and creators of our lives; its unfolding depends on our choices, presence, and frequency. It's time to listen to our sacred heart and live from our inner guidance. We've always known that our heart connects us to something greater we can trust - our higher self, our divine self. Trust yourself, connect to every part of your being, and integrate each aspect in coherence and balance. Expand and know your true essence, your greatness, and allow it to manifest in your world and reality.
About Diana

Diana has always championed personal empowerment, believing that change and evolution start from within. For decades, she worked as a lawyer while simultaneously studying and practicing various spiritual and energetic modalities. In both her professional and spiritual life, she has guided and mentored others on their paths.
In early 2023, Diana realized she could no longer balance her legal career with her spiritual practices. She left her prestigious position as a lawyer and partner in a law firm, embarking on a profound personal and spiritual transformation that deepened and expanded her spiritual journey.
Having communicated with ascended masters and archangels in her private energy practices for years, Diana began public channelling sessions in the spring of 2024. In June 2024, she activated her connection to her true self and higher self. Guided by her inner wisdom, she began facilitating infinity point activations for others, helping them connect with their sacred heart. Diana now lives her mission of emanating the light from the heart, expressing her authentic self, and inspiring others to connect with their divine essence, radiate their true light, and thrive.
Activation of the Light in the Heart
Through the activation of the infinity point within the sacred heart, individuals can open the spiral path inward, symbolically referred to as 'opening the rose in the heart'. This inner journey leads to one's true self - pure energy, love, and light. This sacred path is preserved exclusively for the individual, allowing for a reunion of the divine and human self. The activation enhances personal evolution, intuition, self-knowing, and self-worth. Connecting to all aspects of ourselves, to the divine, and to others becomes tangible, fostering internal coherence and meaningful connections guided by the heart.
Channelling Sessions
In channelling sessions, Diana connects to the wisdom of high-dimensional beings, including ascended masters and archangels, to provide guidance and clarity. These sessions not only transmit spoken wisdom but also download high-frequency energies, benefiting the physical body, mind, heart, and energetic growth. Channelling can be particularly helpful when facing challenges or making significant life decisions. It can validate your chosen path, especially during times of change, offering a divine perspective on life events. The guides may also assist in clearing past traumas that obstruct the unfolding of new life circumstances, supporting your journey of spiritual growth.
Energy Transmissions
During energy transmissions, Diana creates a sacred energy field for the recipient, allowing high-frequency energies to flow for their highest good. This powerful influx is relaxing, recharging, and rejuvenating for all aspects of body, mind, heart, and spirit. It enables the recipient to observe thoughts, patterns, and emotions with neutrality, creating fertile conditions for personal realizations and 'a-ha' moments that lead to growth and expansion. Recipients are supported in becoming more aligned, coherent, and connected to their inner guidance and true self.
Way of Life
Activate the Light in Your Heart and Let Your True Self Guide You
By activating the infinity point in our sacred heart, we connect with our true self, also known as our higher self or divine self. This is the divine love and light that forms our essence. When we allow this all-knowing, all-potent part of ourselves to guide us, life unfolds with ease and grace. We've been conditioned to believe we must control our lives, but what if letting go of control could be more beneficial? Living from the heart leads to authenticity, trust, and the courage to be our true selves.
Discover Your Sovereignty Through Universal Connection
We've long been taught to seek external validation and approval. But what if our inner wisdom is the highest guidance we need? What if we are already complete, connected to everything and everyone in existence? It's time to live and share our own truth, guided by the light from our heart, rather than living someone else's life.
Embrace Your Uniqueness and Shine Your True Light
Each of us is a unique expression of the divine, with our own gifts and purpose. Embracing our uniqueness means accepting all aspects of ourselves. When we allow our true light to shine authentically, we inspire others and contribute to the collective evolution of consciousness.
Practice Presence and Mindfulness in Daily Life
Being present allows us to fully experience life and connect with our inner wisdom. Mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing can help us stay grounded and centered. By cultivating presence, we become more aware of our thoughts, emotions, and the world around us, leading to greater clarity and peace.
Cultivate Gratitude and Appreciation
Gratitude is a powerful practice that can shift our perspective and raise our vibration. By focusing on what we appreciate, we attract more positive experiences and open ourselves to abundance. Take time each day to acknowledge the blessings in your life, no matter how small they may seem.
Honor Your Body as a Temple of the Divine
Our physical bodies are vessels for our spiritual journey. Treating our bodies with respect, nourishing them with healthy food, engaging in regular exercise, and getting adequate rest are ways to honor this divine temple. Listen to your body's wisdom and give it what it needs to thrive, allowing your true self to shine through.
Book a Session
To book a session and experience the light from the heart, inner guidance, or channelling, please contact Diana via email or reach out through WhatsApp or Viber. Allow your higher self to guide you in taking this step towards spiritual growth and self-discovery.